What Others Say

Find out what others say about their own experiences from attending an NLP training course with us at Change U.

I’ve gained so much, so much knowledge but I have learned more about ME in the last 16 days than in 47 years on earth.  I love NLP and I live NLP!!!

Just stay as you are, just perfect in every way.  Amazing wonderful family, business, and people.


NLP Practitioner Delegate

This course has helped me find me.  Helped me like me.  Key learnings include the use and way techniques work, how they work, why and the benefits.  I will take these learnings – move forward and I will use them in my world to help others in their world.  I will use this to positively make a difference to those I can help – guide at this level.


NLP Practitioner Delegate

After sitting the first two modules in the room then moving to online via Skype the quality of the training was not diminished by the move to skype – huge recognition and well done for pulling that off. I was a little skeptical given the nature of the training, however, the careful planning and organisation by Change U was fantastic. We the learners felt the techniques worked remotely as they would have in person and if anything just reinforces the power of the techniques as well as the skill and commitment of the trainers.


NLP Practitioner Delegate - Online Course

I recently had the pleasure of assisting on the NLP Practitioner course led by Tony and Maria Wright.  The first modules were held in the training room and the 3rd module, due to Coronavirus, was held virtually via Skype link. Initially, I wondered how I would be able to demonstrate the exercises yet I was really amazed to discover how well it actually worked. I felt as though I was in the training room throughout the experience and felt I was part of the group.  I also found that the demonstrations worked perfectly, they also worked so well on the participants within the group.  Covid-19 didn’t stop us.  Thank you, team. It was inspirational being part of it all.


NLP Practitioner Assistant - Online Course

Being trained by Tony and Maria from Change U in face-to-face training environment last year during an NLP Practitioner course, and following that I have now finished the first Module in my training for Master Practitioner with them online this year I can very confidently say that both training settings has been excellent! it is absolute evidence that it all depends on who are you trained by, the curriculum/material that has been put in place, and the delivery skills of the trainers.

In my experience, Tony and Maria tick all the boxes from the previous list. Change U focus on quality training and my experience with them has been superb! they do all in their power to compensate for the face-to-face interactions and it works! I am happy with the material, the delivery, and the communication I have with them and with other delegates. I am learning a lot indeed.

One more important aspect is that they listen very closely to what the delegates want to say/suggest and respond to our learning needs and comments very quickly. It has been a very useful enjoyable learning experience, I can’t wait for the rest of the training modules!


NLP Master Practitioner Delegate - Online Course

I learned to be unified with myself, accept who I am and spread the knowledge. Through integrated parts techniques I got in contact with my little self and grow whole. I learned that limiting beliefs are what hold us back and we get stuck because of them. NLP helped me get free from some and I will continue to do more every day. I learned to trust the process and myself. I learned I belong to myself. I learned that memories can be adjusted and our timeline can be what we want it to be. All techniques can work only when the client is ready to change. Work with the client not to them.


NLP Practitioner Delegate


Maria is an absolute Gem to work with, I have really learned a lot about myself and the person I was on the training with. The facility where the training took place was calming and comfortable. The sarnies were spot on! Although I only ate one of the scones, my daughter was basically addicted!  The folder provided will form the base line of my strategies to better myself as and when required.  Thank you for everything!


Team Member of a Technical Company

Change U are fantastic trainers of NLP and are extremely knowledgeable about the subject. They handle people with care and are very insightful, as well as having a great sense of fun! I would recommend them to anyone who is interested in personal and/or professional development.

Owner of a Personal Development Company

Change U have a very special talent for developing people. Since I experienced their expertise at first hand, I have recommended their services many times. Change U have a natural capacity for making their clients feel better, which is a wonderful characteristic for business development and personal development trainers. They truly care about making a real difference to their clients and delights in witnessing their successful development.

Owner of North East Based Marketing Company

I first met Tony very early in my career where he was a group level Director. He was always someone whom I had looked to as a role model and a well-founded leader of people.  Now later on in life, our paths have crossed a few times and I see the absolute wealth of knowledge and inner strength this man has.  His ability to decipher noise and make sense of what is important is just the clarity we need in our challenging environments and situations.  His direct and considered approach to seeking the true answer is his calling.  His life journey has been like the contents of a best seller. Well worth a read. An absolutely inspirational mentor and a beacon of light.  A great asset to anyone seeking to understand and achieve more on a business and personal level.


Director at a Digital Development Company

I had the pleasure of working with Tony and Maria.  I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and do not believe I would have got what I did from the course, had I gone to another trainer.  Their friendly and challenging style of teaching I found to be very unique and extremely effective.  I can highly recommend them. on a scale of one to ten, one being the lowest, then eleven it would be – off the scale!  Thanks guys.


Director of an Events Safety Company

I have trained with Change U before, and I couldn’t wait to start my latest course. Unfortunately, the Coronavirus put pay to being in the classroom. However, Tony and Maria worked flat out and set up a new way of delivering the course through Skype. I think both me and the trainers were a little nervous to see if it would work out. Well, I can tell you it was absolutely brilliant, top class. It really was delivered excellent and I have learned so much, both of me and NLP Master Practitioner. I must say that I would not have been so confident if it wasn’t Change U delivering.  Thank you and my trust is with you forever.


NLP Master Practitioner Delegate - Online Course

The professional approach that Change U have taken to virtual learning is amazing. I have now done Face to face sessions and Virtual learning and reflecting on both I feel the learning that took place was great. I felt a part of the training at all times and with the training room set up in a familiar way this made me feel right at home.

Technology is what it is and at times can play a tricky part in whatever we do electronically, however, everything was covered, I had a clear view of all the material, I could see Tony at all times while he spoke which gave me a great learning experience. I was given every opportunity to interact with the trainer and the other delegates in the session which only deepened my learning. I was able to follow the course content at all times. the whole experience was excellent and one the team at change U should be proud of. Adapting to the world of virtual training has many barriers, on this occasion none of them got in our way. Great job and excellent training.


NLP Practitioner Delegate - Online Course

The course has been life changing.  The overall main learnings have been what I have learnt about myself and the changes in myself have been astounding in such a short period.  The way the content builds over the modules meant that things that were complex /  overwhelming were reinforce and understanding gained through more and more context.  This also gave opportunity to realise how much you had already learnt as you went along.

I feel excited and ready to take the first steps on a new career journey, and this has came only as the course progressed,  I feel interested, excited and inspired by NLP, Tony and Maria.


NLP Practitioner Delegate

I came on this course as part of a journey for myself and boy has it been a journey. I expected to learn techniques that could help me manoeuvre through life but I didn’t expect the amount of personal change which came along with it. The pace of the course is intense and practising the techniques is a huge responsibility but overall a great course with a great atmosphere and very knowledgable trainers.


NLP Practitioner Delegate

Similar but so very different to other courses I have attended previously.  Maria is an excellent trainer and a tough taskmaster. Her passion for the material and pushing the trainees was clear.  Course material all covered but was carefully managed to work around things that needed to happen rather than rigidly sticking to schedule.  Welcome, venue, refreshments, materials etc superb.  Tough at times but we were well supported. Genuinely the best training I have ever attended. Would highly recommend and hope I get the chance to use their services again.


Manager of a Technical Company

Change U worked with me to construct and lead an NLP development programme that would help our top team focus on the future of our market. They created materials that were both thought-provoking and stretching which tested the team’s capabilities and resulted in each person being provided with their own personal development plan. Feedback from every individual involved was that the learning had been extremely worthwhile. I have also used Change U as personal coaches to work on a one to one basis with our employee’s, this has also proved to be a valuable tool in developing individuals. I would have no hesitation in using Change U again or in recommending them to others.


Senior Manager of a Business Development Agency

Tony and his colleagues at Change U put me through my paces when I trained in NLP over a year ago – so much so that the cooking is still on a slow simmer – challenging, thoughtful and enriching. At a time when approaches to NLP training are becoming more relaxed Change U carry the standard for those who can really get it in the muscle and then go on to model excellence.


Director of a Public Sector Engagement Company

Change U came highly recommended through a business advisor. We hired Change U to deliver business training and support as well as NLP training to practitioner level. Because of the nature of the people we work with and subsequently the people we put forward for the training it was very challenging for Change U to come up with different and varied approaches to the training and to overcome problems and difficulties as they arose. Change U was innovative and flexible at all times and always willing to listen and accommodate. Thoroughly professional, reliable and expert in all relevant areas. I would give Change U my highest recommendation.

Managing Director of a Drug Rehabilitation Unit

I have worked with Change U on both a company and personal basis. Their eminently calm, professional and sensible approach helps you sort the wood from the trees. On a business level, they have a wealth of knowledge and experience, coupled with a gentle confidence which encourages and enthuses the client.  On a personal level, you could not hope to meet nicer people. They are genuinely concerned about your wellbeing and are always well prepared with the right sort of encouragement at just the right time. They are also very easy to get along with and have a huge array of management tools and methods at their fingertips.  I thoroughly recommend Change U and their methods, whether you have a management, productivity, HR, development or whatever issue, they can bring a new perspective and more than a few ideas to the table.


Manager at a Printing Company

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Change U specialises in Personal Development, which prides itself on delivering quality training and enabling change with those we work with.

4 years ago

Cuddles has lived with me for just under 3 & 1/2 years and I've only just noticed that he has a smiley face on his leg? 🤔 🐱 #catsofinstagram #caturday ... See MoreSee Less
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4 years ago

Its the first day of our online NLP Practitioner Training. Today, Tony is taking the the delegates through language models. The first one will have everyone very relaxed. They will be in a deep trance very soon. #nlppractitioner #lockdown2020 ... See MoreSee Less
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